December 12, 2008

Geeking Out with iGrandma

Check it out! I was a guest on the "Call Your Grandma" show tonight with Patti Serrano. It was a lot of fun and I hope you might join us next week.

The show runs every Friday night at 10:00 pm ET.
Mark your iCal with a pop up reminder. The show is simulcasted using UStream and TalkShoe so you get it from different angles using audio and video streaming while also being a podcast to which you can subscribe.

What's the show about? Go ask your Grandma and find out!

Patti has invited me to do a weekly Mac Segment. Tonight's show was just an introduction. This is NOT a "Mac Show." Some people have already asked me, so I thought I should point that out. It's a show about having some fun using social media to talk about anything and Patti is brave enough to pull all the strings to make it happen. She also happens to be a grandmother who uses a Mac to do it. If you know anything about me and have been reading my blog and twitter, then you know that's right up my alley.

For the audio portion of the show, it's best to listen to it from the TalkShoe feed for better sound quality. Click this TalkShoe graphic to play it or go directly to the page where you can listen there or subscribe in iTunes to the show.

I sounded like a dork, but oh well, that's me! The show is live and totally unscripted. We rely on feedback from the chat room to let us know how it sounds and looks. While listening in to the TalkShoe stream it's hard to hear others speak because there is a slight lag, so that's why I kept rambling on and on. I'll have to work on that. But it's not half bad for being able to talk to people all over the country and world in one place with a few clicks of a mouse!

So, if you're free on Friday nights at 10:00 pm ET, come hang out with us on UStream or TalkShoe or both! For a couple of minutes each time, I'll be talking about general Mac stuff, some tips and tricks and the more techie side of things, like why it's called a Mac and not a 'MAC.' Okay, I'll come up with something better than that.

If you have a question you'd like to ask, interact with us in the chat room and I'll take my best shot at it from the hip!

Just in case you didn't figure it out on your own, I want you to know that is NOT me singing Natural Woman during the live recording. I did not drink enough beer before the show. Below is Carole King singing it and you should probably go wash your brain with this embedded video or with this link after hearing the male falsetto rendition of it during the show. (Although he was very brave to do it live!!)

I hope you'll come join us on Friday nights, have some fun and maybe learn a thing or two from some hipsters. Don't know about you, but gettin' geeky just makes me feel like a natural woman in an unnatural way. I think it's a lot of fun to toe the line.