July 8, 2008


That would be my poor, pathetic, fried shoulder with 3-day-old sunburn. Let the peeling begin. The other side looks almost as bad.

Of course we lathered our son in SPF 1000, but do you think we put any on ourselves? Yeah, well, there ya have it. I was just trying to be patriotic, ya know?

To my dear cousin Jenny, this is in response to your SPF 0 post. More proof that we are related tards.


  1. Well there's your patriotism. Red and white stripes!

    Slice open aloe leaves, apply to burn. It will help.

  2. Holy shit! Remember, I said I put some on in the beginning of the season...so I don't end up like THAT!!!!
    You need to go buy the biggest bottle of Aloe gel available, throw it in the freezer for a couple of hours, fill a bath tub with it, then jump in!

  3. oh dear god! i'm in pain just looking at that! :(


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